Anglais médical - Le score d'Apgar

Publié le 18/06/2021

Cette rubrique vous permettra, exercices à l'appui, de parfaire votre anglais médical au travers de situations de soins concrètes. Bon travail à tous ! Corrections en fin d'article. N'hésitez pas à vous servir du dictionnaire en ligne Wordreference. Vous trouverez à la fin de cet article les corrections des exercices qui vous sont proposés téléchargeables au format pdf.



Activity 1


  • acronym
  • adaptation
  • administration
  • anaesthetist
  • assess
  • cardiopulmonary
  • eponym
  • evaluate
  • grimace
  • newborn
  • obstetrics
  • reflex irritability
  • resuscitation

Match the terms with their correct meanings.

1. adapt a) abnormally sensitive to a stimulus
2. assess b) bring back to life
3. evaluate c) make changes to suit a new situation
4. administer d) examine something in order to decide on future management
5. resuscitate e) judge the condition of something
6. irritable f) give someone something, e.g. medication

Activity 2

Complete the sentences using the medical terms in the vocabulary list.

  1. A medical term which is made up of the first letter of several words is called an _____________.
  2. An ____________ is a medical term which is made using the name of a person.
  3. An _______________ is a specialist doctor who administers anaesthetic drugs before an operation.
  4. The branch of medicine which deals with pregnancy and labor is called _________________.
  5. The term relating to the heart and lungs is ______________________.
  6. The medical term neonate is used for a ____________________.

Activity 3

Read the text and answer the questions which follow.              

The Apgar Score

The Apgar score, is a test which evaluates a newborn's physical condition and assesses the need for extra medical or emergency care. Apgar is an eponym referring to Virginia Apgar, an obstetrical anaesthetist, who developed the score in 1952. It is also an acronym for: Appearance, Pulse, Grimace, Activity, and Respiration.

The Apgar test is first performed one minute after birth and a second time five minutes after birth. If there are concerns about the newborn or the score at five minutes is low, the test may be repeated ten minutes after birth.

The baby’s condition is evaluated using five factors and scored on a scale of 0 to 2, with 2 being the best score. The final score is a number out of 10. A score of 8, 9 or 10 (rarely achieved) indicates satisfactory cardiopulmonary adaptation. A score from 5 to 7 indicates the need for stimulation of the newborn and administration of oxygen. Newborns with scores below 4 often need resuscitation.

  1. The Apgar score is a ________________ test, which evaluates a neonate’s physical condition.
    • a) cardiopulmonary
    • b) non-invasive
    • c) prenatal
  2. The term, APGAR is an ___________________.
    • a) abbreviation and jargon
    • b) eponym and acronym
    • c) abbreviation and acronym
  3. Newborns are first assessed ___________________________.
    • a) shortly after birth
    • b) immediately before birth
    • c) one hour post partum
  4. A final APGAR score of between 8 and 10 indicates that _______________.
    • a) the newborn needs resuscitation with oxygen
    • b) the newborn may need oxygen ten minutes after birth
    • c) the newborn’s heart and lungs are adapting well post partum

Activity 4

Look at the APGAR Score table in French. Then, complete the APGAR table in English, using the terms below.

Score d’APGAR 0 1 2
Fréquence cardiaque   80 à 100 >100
Respiration absente lente, irrégulière cri vigoureux
Tonus hypotonie légère flexion des extrémités normale
Réactivité nulle grimace vive
Coloration cyanose ou pâleur imparfaite rose
  • active
  • beats per min
  • pale
  • no response
  • hypoventilation
  • pink
APGAR Score 0 1 2
Appearance blue or (1) _______ all over normal colour + hands and feet bluish normal colour hands and feet (2) _____
Heart Rate
absent pulse   > 100 beats per min
Reflex irritability
(4) ___________  to stimulation grimace with stimulation cry or withdraw with stimulation
Muscle tone
flaccid or floppy some flexion
little movement
(5) ________ movement
Respiratory Rate
Respiratory Effort
absent breathing weak cry
(6) _______________
good cry or breathe spontaneously

Activity 5

Watch the video

Put the notes in the correct order.

  • wrap baby warmly and check later
  • check baby’s heart rate
  • ask for overall score
  • check reflex irritability
  • score of eight
  • explain APGAR
  • check respiratory effort
  • check baby’s condition
  • check baby’s colour
  • check muscle tone

Activity 6

Watch the video again and answer the questions True or False.

  1. The APGAR Score checks the neurological status of a newborn. True or False
  2. The newborn has blueish hands and feet, because his blood circulation is immature. True or False
  3. The nurse checks the baby’s heart rate by listening to his chest. True or False
  4. The nurse taps on the baby’s chest to check for a response. True or False
  5. Flexion is checked by bending the baby’s arms and legs. True or False
  6. Babies can score a 2 for respiratory effort, if they breathe without assistance or have a strong cry. True or False

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À lire

Virginia ALLUM  Author and Consultant in English for Medical Purposes

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