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Anglais médical - Coloscopie

Publié le 06/05/2022

Ce cours d’anglais, élaboré par Virginia Allum, auteur et consultante EMP (English for Medical Purposes) traite de la coloscopie. Les corrigés des exercices sont à retrouver en PDF en bas de page. N'hésitez pas à vous servir du dictionnaire en ligne Wordreference. Vous trouverez à la fin de cet article les corrections des exercices qui vous sont proposés téléchargeables au format pdf.


Crohn’s disease
inflammatory bowel disease
rectal bleeding
stomach cramps

Activity 1: Complete the definitions of the vocabulary terms.

  1. __________: medical practitioner who examines the intestinal mucosa to identify lesions which may be cancerous.
  2. __________: condition which affects the digestive system and causes stomach cramps, diarrhoea and constipation.
  3. __________: flexible instrument with a light and lens at its tip used to visualise the colon.
  4. __________: medical practitioner who specialise in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver.
  5. __________:  drugs and other substances which loosen faeces and make them easier to pass as a bowel movement. They are used to treat and prevent constipation
  6. __________:  projections of tissue which usually grow in the mucous membrane.
  7. __________:  describes being extended with gas or food
  8. __________: inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract which causes redness, swelling and pain in the intestines.
  9. __________: general description of pain in the mid- or upper abdominal area.
  10. __________:  any loss of blood from around the anus or from the rectum
  11. __________: procedure during which a small sample of body tissue is taken so it can be examined under a microscope.

Activity 2: Read the text and answer the questions.

In January 2022, Bowel Cancer UK launched its Colonoscopy Confidence campaign after survey findings showed that 59 per cent of people would be worried if they had to undergo a colonoscopy.

If someone has been asked to have a colonoscopy, it may be because doctors suspect that their symptoms are being caused by a condition such as inflammatory bowel disease or bowel cancer.

The Colonoscopy Confidence campaign encourages patients to attend their colonoscopy appointment if referred and not to delay because they are nervous about the procedure. Campaign materials include a factsheet about having a colonoscopy, and common questions about the procedure that people may want to ask their doctor in advance.

Colonoscopies are relatively simple procedures which can be used to help diagnose inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Although the disease is idiopathic, there are several risk factors which increase the risk of developing the condition. Women are more prone to the condition and it is more likely to be diagnosed in people under the age of 50. A recent gastro-intestinal infection or antibiotic use also increases the risk of IBD.

Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis are the most common forms of inflammatory bowel disease. Ulcerative colitis affects around one in 400 people in the UK, while Crohn’s disease affects around one in 700. The main difference between the conditions is that ulcerative colitis only affects the large intestine (colon) with superficial inflammation, whilst Crohn’s disease can affect any part of the digestive system with inflammation in the deep layers of the digestive tract.

1. Why are colonoscopies performed?
   A - to treat a gastroenteritis
   B - to confirm a diagnosis of a gastrointestinal condition
   C - to manage colon cancer

2. According to the Colonoscopy Confidence Campaign, people sometimes miss their bowel appointment because they…
   A - don’t realise how important it is
   B - think they can have the test at a later date
   C - are worried about having the test

3. Inflammatory Bowel Disease is a condition which …
   A - has no known cause
   B - is very common in women
   C - does not have risk factors

4. Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis can be distinguished by …
   A - their severity
   B - their treatment
   C - their location


Activity 3: Listen to the video of a nurse who is explaining the preparation needed for a colonoscopy. Complete the dialogue.

Nurse explains how to prepare for a colonoscopy

Nurse:   You’re (1) _____________ to have a colonoscopy next week. I’ll go through the bowel preparation with you now so you’ll be ready for the procedure.

Patient:  Oh? I didn’t realise I had to prepare for it.

Nurse: It’s important to (2) ______________ the lower bowel so the endoscopist can get a clear view of your colon. Two days before the procedure, you should go on low fibre diet and increase your fluids a lot.

Patient: OK. What sort of things should I eat?

Nurse: You should (3) __________ meat, fish, eggs and chicken. You can also eat pastries and cakes, plain or milk chocolate.

Patient: I like the sound of the cake and chocolate! Is there anything I should (4) _____________?

Nurse: A few things. Don’t eat any fruit or vegetables or wholemeal bread. They are all high-fibre foods.

Patient: OK.

Nurse: Then, a day before the procedure, you must only drink (5) ___________. That’s water, clear soup, black tea or coffee.

Patient: Right.

Nurse: The day before your appointment and also on the morning of the appointment, you’ll need to drink a (6) _______________ solution to ensure your bowel is well cleared out.

Patient: That doesn’t sound very pleasant.

Nurse: No, it’s not’s not particularly nice, but it is necessary. It’s a good idea to stay home while you are clearing your bowel out, so you are close to a toilet. The laxative solution is very (7) _____________.

Patient: I see. I’ll make sure I do all the preparation correctly. I want to make sure that the results of the colonoscopy are (8) ________________.

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Virginia ALLUM Author and Consultant in English for Medical Purposes

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