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Anglais médical - Maladies impliquées dans les isolements

Publié le 03/04/2018
contagion masque tenue

contagion masque tenue

Ce nouveau cours d’anglais, élaboré par Virginia Allum, auteur et consultante EMP (English for Medical Purposes) traite des maladies impliquées dans les isolements. Les corrigés des exercices sont à retrouver en PDF en bas de page.

N'hésitez pas à vous servir du dictionnaire en ligne Wordreference. Vous trouverez à la fin de cet article les corrections des exercices qui vous sont proposés téléchargeables au format pdf.

Activity 1

Match the French term with the correct English translation.

1.  brûlures infectées a)  pertussis or whooping cough
2.  diphtérie b)  tuberculosis    
3.  entérocolite  c)  bone marrow transplant
4.  Staphylocoque doré d)  scarlet fever   
5.  rubéole e)  infected diarrhoea
6.  CMV congénitaux f)  rabies  
7.  bacilles pyocyanique g)  aplastic patient
8.  entérobactéries h)  infected burns
9.  coqueluche i)  organ transplant
10.  charbon j)  meningococcal meningitis   
11.  rage k)  diphtheria     
12.  tuberculose l)  congenital cytomegalovirus
13.  vaccine généralisée m)  pseudomonas
14.  scarlatine n)  enterocolitis
15.  greffes organe o)  generalised vaccinia  
16.  greffes de moelle osseuse p)  golden staph, staphylococcus aureus
17.   malade aplasique q)  rubella
18.  rougeole r)  anthrax
19.  diarrhées infectieuses s) enterobacteria
20.  méningites à méningocoques t) measles

Activity 2

Complete the sentences using the terms from the list in Activity 1.

  1. ___________________ is a serious bacterial infection of the thin lining that surrounds the brain and spinal cord.
  2. ___________________ is also called golden staph; a common bacterium which lives on the skin and in the nose.
  3. ___________________ is a highly contagious disease which causes a red, flat rash.
  4. ___________________ is a virus which is usually transmitted through the bite of an infected dog, fox or bat.
  5. ___________________ causes a thick covering in the back of the throat and can lead to difficulty breathing.
  6. ___________________ gets its name from the noise made after a long coughing fit.
  7. Skin ___________________ is often caused by infected spores on animals entering the body through a cut.
  8. ___________________ is a skin reaction to the smallpox vaccine.
  9.  ___________________ is a type of herpes infection which can cause hearing loss in babies.
  10. Patients are nursed in isolation rooms after an ___________________, because they are susceptible to infections.

Activity 3

Watch the video and answer the questions.

The video can be found at

  1. Why is the patient in the isolation room? 
  2. Can the patient’s daughter visit her father?
  3. What must you do first, before entering an isolation room?
  4. What must you wear, before entering an isolation room?
  5. What must the patient use, while he is in the isolation room?

Activity 4

What does the nurse say? Match the beginnings and endings of the sentences you hear.

We are trying to stop the infection before you enter the room.
It’s not dangerous, but put them in the clinical waste bin.
The first thing is to clean your hands, spreading to other patients.
You also have to with the alcohol gel at the end of the bed.
Put on some we have to be careful.
The final thing is to put on put on a disposable apron.
Take off the gloves, mask and apron and single use gloves.
Then clean your hands a disposable mask.

Téléchargez les corrections au format PDF

Virginia ALLUM   Author and Consultant in English for Medical Purposes

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